In November 2011, Toddler Veg at the age of 18 months old was diagnosed with a life threatening allergy to peanuts and tree nuts as well as gluten, soy and dairy. I plan to use this as a diary of events…the highs and the lows. I hope that as you read this you will chime in with any opinions, ideas, concerns or encouragement! Our journey begins now….
So I went to pediatrician two weeks ago to have Toddler Veg checked out. He’d had a cold for about 5 days and I had been giving him some breathing treatments. So as part of the “plan” from the pulmonologist I needed to have his oxygen checked, his lungs and his ears. I wasn’t able to get into our actual pedi, but saw another in the practice. The pedi said that she felt his fever was giving him fast breathing and to quit the breathing treatments. Fast forward a week later and I visit the pulmonologist and she tells me that I shouldn’t have stopped the breathing treatments. She told me that basically I need to go in to have them check oxygen, lungs and ears and then CLOSE my ears and don’t listen. UGGG. Then I can call her and talk over the phone to see if additional meds need to be prescribed. Apparently, he would have been in much better shape had I kept with the breathing treatments. Its so hard to know. I wish that my pedi was a specialist. I need to explore this more. I just wish that all the specialists and the pedi were on board together. I just feel that so often, I am educating my pedi.
To read more adventures of this Allergy Mamma, click here.